Petition: Add French and other voice overs to FF XV

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Modérateur : Divinités du Sanctuaire Sacré

Messages : 2
Inscription : 04 mai 2015 11:53
Finaland  :

Petition: Add French and other voice overs to FF XV

Messagepar Andre_M » 04 mai 2015 12:00

Hello Finaland Community,

I am André from Germany and started a petition to add voice overs in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish to Final Fantasy XV. It was featured at several major gaming websites in my home country Germany, but I hope to spread the word internationally, as well. We work on several videos in different languages e.g., with the first video introduction in English and the second one in Spanish.

The petition is called "FFXV Voices". You can find the petition at and share or twitter about it with the hashtag #ffxvvoices

Some FAQ on the petition:

Why do you want these languages?
Apart from English, the mentioned languages form the majority of the spoken languages in the western sales territory. Big publishers like Ubisoft and EA (and Sqaure Enix) offered full localizations with voice overs for these languages before and we believe that this would turn FFXV into the ultimate experience. We think that listening to characters in your mother tongue and not reading subtitles lets you enjoy the story even more and you feel more emotionally connected. We want to give players the opportunity to enjoy Final Fantasy XV just like a big blockbuster movie at your cinema.

Hasn't Square Enix dubbed previous Final Fantasy games internationally?
As far as I know, Square Enix only dubbed Final Fantasy XIV: ARR in French and German, besides English/Japanese. Other FF games got translated text in several languages. Final Fantasy XV could be the first ever (offline) Final Fantasy game to be fully localized for major western territories.

Wait, what happens to the Japanese voice track?
We know that there are true fans of the original voice cast and we dont wat to take it away. Hajime Tabata mentioned that the aim is to offer a bilingual release version in the end. I think that for example Japanese + each country's mother tongue could be on the disc (e.g. Japanese + French). In terms of the English voice track, I think it could be possible to offer it as a free DLC online. Such an option was offered by Microsoft for the game Fable 2, for example. Just the German voice track could fit on the disc, but players could download the English voice overs afterwards.

But all of these languages won't fit on one disc!
As mentioned above, one idea would be to include the Japanese voice track + the voice track of each country represented on one disc, allowing e.g. English as a DLC.

Isnt this too late for a petition?
The game is in development since more than nine years but since the last year, Square Enix has demonstrated with regular updates, livestreams and surveys that there is an interest in the wishes and opinions of the fan community. I believe that the release of Final Fantasy XV is still about a year ahead, since core development is still unfinished and major promotions are set to begin in August 2015. There should be enough time for synchronizations.

But wouldnt this delay the release date?
I believe it wont. Until several years ago, Square Enix seemed to use a so called "post gold localization", which means that the team started the translations right after the game was completely finished. This was the cause for the delays between eastern and western releases.

The gap between international releases narrowed in the last years and Hajime Tabata announced that he wished for a nearly simultanous release worldwide. I believe that Square Enix has changed their strategy to a so called "Sim ship localization". It means that the team translates content on the fly, while the development status of the game progresses. The fact that Episode Duscae was released nearly at the same time world wide and the fact that they changed Noctis Enlish voice because of the fan feedback underline this assumption. Thus, all scripts, all subtitles for the mentioned languages are already work in progress. More international voice overs could be added on the fly since the scripts and dialogues they are based on already exist. This should not affect the release date.

Shouldnt I be afraid of bad voice acting?
Due to my contact with international fans during the course of my petition, I realized that the fear about bad voice acting is quite severe. Sure, you can never tell if the voice acting for your language will be bad, but bad experiences with voice acting should not stop you from requesting more and better voice overs in your languages. Publishers know that great games with great voice acting sell better than great games with worse voice acting. I say it is safe to invest some trust in Square Enix.[youtube][/youtube]

Fat Chocobo
Maître Niveau 3
Maître Niveau 3
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Inscription : 01 mars 2010 13:44
Finaland  :

Messagepar Fat Chocobo » 04 mai 2015 12:13

Hasn't Square Enix dubbed previous Final Fantasy games internationally?
As far as I know, Square Enix only dubbed Final Fantasy XIV: ARR in French and German, besides English/Japanese. Other FF games got translated text in several languages. Final Fantasy XV could be the first ever (offline) Final Fantasy game to be fully localized for major western territories.
About Kingdom Hearts I and II, Sony and Ubisoft did the localization, that's why they had each country language. Square Enix localized 1.5 and 2.5, which is why they do not have each European Language.
But all of these languages won't fit on one disc!
As mentioned above, one idea would be to include the Japanese voice track + the voice track of each country represented on one disc, allowing e.g. English as a DLC.
Blu-ray are expensive. I don't know if they could afford this. With your idea, they must forecast each country how much they could sell.
Let's say for example :
  • France : 100k
    Germany : 150k
    UK : 200k
    Spain : 50k
    Italy : 30k
    Portugal : 20k
They have to make around 100k of bluray with French voice only, 150k of bluray with German voice only etc. etc. They have to create a special blu-ray for each country. And if their forecasts are wrong...You know, Square Enix aren't that good with forecasting (*looking back at Tomb Raider 2013...*)
The best idea would be to include every voice for all European bluray. But it means lip synchro, no more space on bluray etc.etc.
Fat Chocobo is life

Messages : 2
Inscription : 04 mai 2015 11:53
Finaland  :

Messagepar Andre_M » 04 mai 2015 12:30

Yes, you are correct. Though Spanish and Portuguese are also spoken outside of the EU.

Do you think it is possible maybe to post a news article on Finaland about it? I have good support in my home country Germany by bigger gaming websites, but I want to reach any fan community in the bespoken language territories.

Since I am not a French native, it is hard to get in touch with French fans.

If all fans participate, we can at least show our demand for good voice overs besides Japanese/English and hope that Square Enix listens to this feedback.

Novice Niveau 6
Novice Niveau 6
Messages : 218
Inscription : 30 janv. 2015 0:58
Localisation : France
Finaland  :

Messagepar Ward » 10 mai 2015 10:39

It's good for me ! :)

Hope the French voices ( for example ) will not look too bad ( no as usual ^^ )

You have my support ! 8)

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